Planting Guide

Tips for gifting

Add your message
  • Write a message on the back of the design!
  • To plant the seeds, they can then just tear off the back of the card without losing the message or card design. ... or you can plant the entire card too!

Tips for planting

Soak your card
  • Place card into a container and place water over it so that card is submerged.
  •  Leave to soak overnight.
Sprinkle dirt on top
  • Half fill a pot with good quality seed-raising mix.
  • Place the soggy card on top. (It will fall apart in your hands, which is a good thing!)
  • Cover with a thin layer of seed-raising mix
Watch it grow
  • Water in and water every day. Ensure the card is continually moist. Seeds will start sprouting between 7 to 14 days, depending on the season.
  • Once they have sprouted and are looking strong, transplant into the garden or a larger pot..

Voila! You now have herbs for your cooking, flowers for your house or a shrub for your garden! Enjoy your card in a whole new beautiful way - go you!

Seed and Plant Information

With warmer winters, wetter summers and everything in between, Growable Greetings unique seeded cards can be grown all year round in our current Australian climate.

You will get quicker results if you plant in springtime, however this is all dependent on how regular you water, and the amount of sunshine. Quality seed-raising mix will speed things along a bit but we have had success also with just plain old dirt from the backyard. (It might just take a bit longer).

Weeping bottlebrush and tea-tree shrubs will both require a little more TLC than the other more quick-growing plants such as forget-me-not and herbs.

Whatever seed type you choose, you will be guaranteed a ‘whole lotta’ gardening joy as you potter away in nature and await the ‘popping through’ of your seeded card.